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Verify BCEAO Trial Balance Consistency

Before you can generate the BCEAO reports, you have to verify the consistency of the trial balance as the principle underlying document on which all the reports will be based. This will help you to determine whether the financial data in the trial balance is consistent with the BCEAO reporting requirements.

How to verify BCEAO Trail Balance Consistency

To verify the BCEAO trial balance consistency you go to Accounts->Regulatory Reports->BCEAO Reports->Verify Consistency Trail Balance and the following window will be displayed:

Select the Charger Une Balance (XML) radio button to browse and select the trial balance from the location that you save its XML format at Accounts->Regulartory Reports->BCEAO Reports->Create BCEAO Trial Balance as XML file.

Click on the saved trail balance xml file, e.g., "BALANCENORME2014" and a validation pop up window will be displayed:

Click on the OK button to continue with the validation.

After the validation a "Verification completed successfully" pop up will show up.

Click on the OK button. The following window will be displayed and the validated trail balance will be saved.

Note that if the verification is successful then you can proceed to generate the final BCEAO reports at Accounts->Regulatory Reports->BCEAO Reports->Generate BCEAO Reports.

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